This was for our latest project in which we staged a dynamic action. I picked my new character Willy the chicken boy and just have him swinging from a monkey bar. I want to revisit this again and fine tune it. So keep an eye for the revision. I also did this character sheet for Willy. He started out as just a silly sketch, but he has grow since then. I do plan on working the little tigirl into the story at some point, but havn't come up with anything solid yet.
This was a project for my pre-prodcution class. The assignment was to go out of usuay style and create a whole new 10 characters. While the final product doesn't look like I did, I did try to do other styles.
Maya Acting / Reaction
this was just another maya practice assignment. The project was to have a character establish a character and then get hit by a ball in the back of the leg and react. I went for a more exaggerated and looney tuney style.
Camera Move Redone
This is the same project as before "Camera Move" the only difference is that it has been in-betweened and that i cut the up to go down in one part, but i think it looks a little better.
Welcome and thank you for visiting. My name is Josh Herron and i am a recent graduate from the Kansas City Art Institute where i majored in animation. I have recently moved out to Los Angeles, CA and am very excited to start my animation career.
All of the artwork posted is copyright of Joshua M. Herron unless specified otherwise.
Contact Info
Phone: 210-262-9980